The Board of Directors of the Central Ontario Leadership Seminars is proud to announce that Allie Moore and Ayush Mehta have been selected as the Seminar Co-Chairs for the 2025 Central Ontario Leadership Seminar following a new open selection process.
Allie Moore (pictured last above) was a COLS ambassador for 2014 from the Niagara Region. Having been involved in many areas of SPC and her extensive commitment to alumni, Allie was most recently the Program Lead for the 2023 seminar. Allie credits COLS as being a driving force behind her successes and she cannot wait to continue spreading COLS' mission for the next generation of student ambassadors in 2025.
Ayush Mehta (pictured third above) joined COLS as an ambassador from his school in 2016. Since then he has been a stable member and leader of the Logistics team. Through COLS, Ayush was exposed to leaders from different backgrounds who were leaders in their own unique way. COLS gave him the confidence and tools to begin forming his own leadership style. As co-chair for 2025, he hopes to give ambassadors and staff the same experience he had.
About the Seminar Chair role
Seminar Chairs provide direction and overall supervision to the Seminar Planning Committee (SPC), planning leads, and members. They are responsible for the high-level planning and program elements for the annual three-day seminar, provide training and mentorship to planning leads and volunteers, and works closely with the alumni and sponsorship committees. Seminar Chairs also sit on the Board of Directors for the duration of their term as voting members.